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authenticity index™

Welcome to Authenticity Index™

A science-backed tool designed to measure how aligned your life is with your true values, 
helping you take the next step toward meaningful fulfilment.

Your Participation

Your participation in this test is completely voluntary. You may withdraw at any time without any consequences. By continuing, you agree to provide your responses for academic research. Your insights are invaluable to us and will contribute significantly to the field of psychological research.

Part 1. Demographics

Please respond to a series of demographic questions to help us better understand any individual or group differences in authenticity perceptions.

Which gender do you identify most with?

Part 2. Authenticity

Please respond to a series of statements about your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviours. There are no right or wrong answers. Please give an honest answer to each question. 

Section 1 of 5
I view setbacks and obstacles as chances to grow.
I can put myself in others’ shoes to understand their perspectives.
I seek out experiences that challenge and stretch my understanding of myself and the world.
I notice when I am being influenced by others’ expectations.
I try to understand how the others feel.
I never misinterpret others’ emotions or intentions.
I recognize when someone is trying to persuade me for their benefit.
I stay true to myself even when pressured by others.
When I face challenges juggling my various responsibilities at home, work, or with my friends, I make it a point to openly share it with the people involved.
I think carefully before offering criticism to others.

Part 2. Authenticity

Please respond to a series of statements about your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviours. There are no right or wrong answers. Please give an honest answer to each question. 

Section 2 of 5
I am fully present, when I am with the other person.
I notice when others are uncomfortable or upset.
I know my own values and beliefs.
I am open to learning new things that will help me be genuinely myself in all areas of my life, such as at work, with my family, and when hanging out with my friends.
I consider the needs and feelings of others when balancing my responsibilities at home, at work and with my friends.
I consider how my personal biases might affect my perception of others.
I am open to learning from the experiences of others.
I try to understand why people react to situations differently than I do.
I know how my environment influences my thoughts and feelings.
In the situation of conflict, I try to hear and understand the other person’s perspective and emotions.

Part 2. Authenticity

Please respond to a series of statements about your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviours. There are no right or wrong answers. Please give an honest answer to each question. 

Section 3 of 5
I never feel conflicted between my personal and professional life.
I carefully reflect on my experiences to understand myself better and know who I really am.
I often feel I need to change and adapt myself to fit in.
I know how I feel when I am at my best.
I am never affected by others’ opinions.
I don't feel much conflict between what society expects and my own values whether I am at home, at work, or with my friends.
I accept and handle the difficulties that come with having many different responsibilities, like being an employee or a business owner, a friend, and a family member.
I am open to new ideas but critically evaluate them before accepting.
I always follow others’ advice without question.
I always understand the reasons behind others’ behaviors immediately.

Part 2. Authenticity

Please respond to a series of statements about your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviours. There are no right or wrong answers. Please give an honest answer to each question. 

Section 4 of 5
I know I am being real and true to myself when talking to different people, whether at home, work or elsewhere.
I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses.
People often come to me for advice or compassion.
I understand the reasons behind others trying to influence me.
I find it easy to switch between my work, home, and friends' responsibilities without feeling stressed.
I understand how my actions affect the feelings of others.
I try to learn about people’s unique backgrounds and perspectives.
I respect the values of others.
I can handle things that are unclear and uncertain while being true to myself.
I never need to change my viewpoint because of others.

Part 2. Authenticity

Please respond to a series of statements about your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviours. There are no right or wrong answers. Please give an honest answer to each question. 

Section 5 of 5
I am always completely honest with myself about my feelings and motives.
I am comfortable being open and real in both professional and personal settings.
I am open to feedback from others but make my own decisions.
I know that my beliefs and attitudes are consistent - whatever I do.
I look for chances to discover and know myself better.
I always understand exactly what others think and feel.
I know how to cope with emotional situations.
I never feel uncertain about my actions or decisions.
I consciously make choices that align with my true self, even when it may be challenging.
I am open to feedback about myself from others.


Please respond to a series of statements about your feelings and thoughts during the last month. In each case, you will be asked to indicate how often you felt or thought a certain way.
In the last month, how often have you…
been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly?
felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life?
felt nervous and "stressed"?
felt confident about your ability to handle your personal problems?
felt that things were going your way?
found that you could not cope with all the things that you had to do?
been able to control irritations in your life?
felt that you were on top of things?
been angered because of things that were outside of your control?
felt difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them?

Part 4. Satisfaction with Life

Below are five statements that you may agree or disagree with. Please be open and honest in your responding.

Indicate your agreement with each statement…
In most ways my life is close to my ideal.
The conditions of my life are excellent.
I am satisfied with my life.
So far I have gotten the important things I want in life.
If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.
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