authenticity index™
Welcome to Authenticity Index™
helping you take the next step toward meaningful fulfilment.
Your Participation
Your participation in this test is completely voluntary. You may withdraw at any time without any consequences. By continuing, you agree to provide your responses for academic research. Your insights are invaluable to us and will contribute significantly to the field of psychological research.
Part 1. Demographics
Please respond to a series of demographic questions to help us better understand any individual or group differences in authenticity perceptions.
Part 2. Authenticity
Please respond to a series of statements about your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviours. There are no right or wrong answers. Please give an honest answer to each question.
Part 2. Authenticity
Please respond to a series of statements about your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviours. There are no right or wrong answers. Please give an honest answer to each question.
Part 2. Authenticity
Please respond to a series of statements about your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviours. There are no right or wrong answers. Please give an honest answer to each question.
Part 2. Authenticity
Please respond to a series of statements about your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviours. There are no right or wrong answers. Please give an honest answer to each question.
Part 2. Authenticity
Please respond to a series of statements about your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviours. There are no right or wrong answers. Please give an honest answer to each question.
Part 4. Satisfaction with Life
Below are five statements that you may agree or disagree with. Please be open and honest in your responding.